Your best solution to farting

Your best solution to farting

One of the most embarrassing moments anyone can face is when you pass gas in public. It is a sure sign of impoliteness but the more pressing issue is that there might be some problems with your digestive system and you are not aware of it.

In the local term, farting is usually associated with the likes of having ‘gas’ in the stomach and this is actually very true. If it does not happen to frequently, it means that your digestive system is pretty normal.

But if you are experiencing frequent passing of gas, then it is almost certain that something is not right. That usually happens when you have a heavy meal or gone through a series of heavy meals. This is because when you have bad eating habits, it will give rise to very unhealthy gastrointestinal gas production which needs to be ‘channeled out’.

When there is too much gases inside your stomach, you will subsequently feel bloated and it must be ‘released’. It is a very bad practice to hold your fart (which you are prone to do when in public). It can cause cramps and more indigestion problems.

To avoid this problem, you should eat slowly because rapid rating will result in swallowing of excessive air smoking and drinking of carbonated beverages are among the other causes. The types of food you consume is another major concern. Milk products, cauliflower and beans are among the types of food that are known to produce gas.

Apart from that, you should find out what type of food your body is intolerant to. Taking digestive enzymes is a good practice as it helps to ensure that all the food you consumed are broken down with the useful ones kept and channeled to the blood stream while those that are not needed are discarded from the body.
