While nuts and seeds are known as fatty foods, these are the best food that is rich in vitamin E and works well to enhance antioxidant. Various studies and research revealed that nuts and seeds are good for your health. These sources have highest quantity of fat among all unprocessed foods but it comes in a form of fatty acids.
A well known fact that nuts and seeds contain lots of vitamins, amino acids, carbohydrates and minerals that practically helps to improve your memory. But nevertheless, dieticians recommend only small amount of nuts and seeds to be consumed daily since large portion of these food may cause you to gain weight.
Here’s a little tip that you may not know about nuts and seeds. These food will lose their nutrients, vitamins, minerals and others once you shelled it. Thus, it is advisable for you to purchase nuts and seeds only in their shells. And do you know that it will last up to one year provided that it is still in the shell.
While large portion of nuts and seeds consumed is bad for your health, eating it on a regular basis at a small amount helps to rejuvenate your skin and hair, regulate your blood, nerves and arteries and it also helps to break down the cholesterol in the body system. Without the essential fatty acids, it causes liver problems, skin disorders, gallstones, loss of hair and many other health problems. Bear in mind that nuts and seeds are also rich in magnesium, ion, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
Nuts can be cooked in various methods from adding it to cakes and cookies, sweet dishes, roasted or add to stews to thicken them but the best way to eat it is in their raw state. Here are some practical tips on importance and benefits of nuts and seeds sold widely in supermarket.
Almonds grow in Southern Europe, California, South Australia, South Africa and Western Asia. Oil extracted from bitter almond is used for skin care purposes while sweet almond is meant for eating. Almonds contain various minerals such as potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.
Ayurvedic medicine reported that almond is essential to make natural energy for your body. Dieticians suggest six almonds to be included in your daily diet as a handful of almonds provide you approximately 25 percent of your body’s daily needs of minerals. Some consider that almond is another form of bone-strengthening calcium.
Other than minerals, almonds are also rich in antioxidants including selenium and vitamin E. Studies conducted by researchers showed that almonds helps to prevent colon cancer and lower cholesterol levels in the body.
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts originated from South America is a woody fruit that contains around 12-24 nuts inside the shell. It has lots of nutrients and minerals such as vitamin E, fiber, niacin, magnesium and copper. While almonds may help to prevent colon cancer, studies showed that Brazil nuts help to prevent breasts cancer. Since Brazil nut also contains selenium, it functions as antioxidant.
This bean-shaped nut is grown in India and East Africa. It contains niacin, protein, carbohydrate, calcium, riboflavin and phosphorus. Cashew helps to build natural energy and maintain healthy teeth. Since it is also rich in monounsaturated fat, cashew is a great source for cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of health failure.
Works effectively as a good body builder, cashew also helps to build strong bones and regulates normal sleeping patterns among menopausal women. For those who strive to control their waistline, cashew is definitely your choice for a healthy yet delicious snack.
Flax Seeds
Flax seeds offers many health benefits and one of it is to prevent constipation. Similar to other nuts and seeds, it helps to lower cholesterol in the body and improve immunity. You may not know that flax seeds actually help to balance estrogen levels in the body.
Rich of omega 3 fatty acids, flax seeds can be found in bread, cereal and other bakery food. There are many other health benefits of flax seeds – to lower high blood pressure, cancer prevention, improve sense of calmness, increase your stamina and energy, improve immune system, soothes inflammatory tissue and regulates blood sugar levels. Flax seeds are also considered as natural laxative and it assists in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
Hazelnuts or also commonly known as Cob is originated from trees found in Asia and Europe. It was one of the earliest nuts to be consumed by human. Usually used in sweet and savoury dishes, hazelnuts can can be processed into oil and nut butter.
The nut is rich in iron, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamin E. it helps to strengthen your stomach. While some dislike the bland taste of hazelnuts, do remember that consuming it is extremely important for your health. A small handful of 25 g hazelnuts helps to prevent you from various diseases particularly heart disease and cancer. Other benefits including the prevention of cataracts, better formation of red blood cells, prevention of cholesterol rising in the blood and plenty more.
Macadamia nuts
Found in Australia, macadamia nuts are also grown commercially in Hawaii. Compared to other nuts, it is slightly harder to extract it from the shell. Hence, you may find macadamia slightly more expensive but yet, you will definitely like this crunchy nut. Rich in fat but low in carbohydrate, one can gain weight easily if you consume large amount of nuts in the daily diet.
Dieticians suggest only small amount of nuts to be included in daily diet as it helps to lower cholesterol level in the body. Macadamia nut is good for low carb diets. Best known as one of the world’s finest nuts, this delicious snack is used constantly in different menu items.
In several recent studies conducted by a team of researchers, they suggest pecans to be included in your the daily diet as it helps not only to improve your immune system but also lowers cholesterol level in the body.
Pecans, originated from North America is widely used in cakes, nut bread, ice-cream as well as confectionery. This sweet nut is rich in antioxidants and fights cancer and heart disease. Other minerals and vitamins found in pecans are fiber, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin E.
It is reported that pecans, one of the most rich-tasting nuts helps to control weight and lowers blood pressure. It has also proven to be effective in treating a non-cancerous enlargement of prostate gland known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Pistachio Nuts
Pistachios have often been regarded as a nutritionally-wise snack since it helps to purify blood and prevent constipation. Found in East and Central Asia, the nuts can also be found in Southern US. Usually sold roasted or salted in shells, this delicious nut is more expensive compared to other nut snacks.
Recent studies revealed that pistachios lowers the risk of hypertension and lowers blood pressure. An additional fact for those who drink green tea on a regular basis, do you know that pistachios actually have more antioxidants compared to green tea?
Pine Nuts
What is pine nuts? It is the seed found in pine trees. You may also consume seeds from a variety of pine trees. A reminder for consumers – you should keep pine nuts in fridge or freezer 24/7.
Pine nuts are good for health as it stimulates hormones and it removes harmful triglycerides from the body system. Since pine nuts are rich in magnesium, it helps to decrease muscle cramps and tension.
Important note: men with low testosterone(male hormone) are prohibited to consume pine nuts. You know when you are low in men hormone when your sex drive is low. Women are advised not to take much of this nut as it promotes cancer activities.
Perhaps, the most well-known nut snack among consumers is peanut. Also called groundnuts or monkey nuts, it is rich in protein and contains about 40 to 50 percent of oil. Since the nuts are one of the most affordable type available in the market, consumers usually mix it with other kinds of nuts to achieve a better and more delicious snack.
So far, it has been proven that peanut is good for heart as well as arteries. As it is rich in vitamin E, peanut reduces cardiovascular disease and is good for cancer prevention. Most importantly, peanut is good for kids as it helps to strengthen bones.
Found in West & Central Asia,UK, California as well as China, walnut is good for our health particularly to improve your brain function. It helps to lower the risk of coronary heart disease, enhance blood vessel elasticity and also similar to other nuts, breaks down the cholesterol in the body system.
Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, it has mild laxative effect. Hence, it is a good source to prevent constipation. Other benefits including to improve body’s metabolism, cardiovascular protection and assist in other diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.
Pumpkin Seeds
This widely consumed pumpkin seed has sweet and savoury taste which is best served by mixing with salad. Pumpkin seed contains protein, zinc, iron as well as phosphorous. In addition to that, it is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Good news for men as pumpkin seed contains high zinc content, therefore, it is effective for treatment of impotence and prostate enlargement.
Sesame Seeds
Originated from African countries, sesame seeds can now be found in various other Asia countries. The oil is usually extracted to be used as margarine, cooking oil and salad oil. A fun fact you need to know – the whole sesame seed can be eaten. It is usually used as decoration for cakes.
Besides that, sesame seed paste or more commonly known as tahini extracted from the seeds can also be found in hypermarket and supermarket. The seeds are rich in protein, vitamin B3, niacin, unsaturated fats, calcium and iron.
Sunflower seeds
Of course, a well-known fact about sunflower is it belongs to the daisy family, but how much do you know the health benefits of consuming its seeds? First found in North America or Mexico, oil extracted from the seed can be processed into soap, margarine and varnishes. A wise choice of healthy and nutritious snack, it can be eaten raw or cooked.
And similar to any other seeds available in the market, sunflower seed contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, fluoride, iodine, potassium, zinc, unsaturated fats and vitamins. In fact, the seed is so good for your health that you need to include it in your daily diet.