
Iodine, like many other types of minerals is needed by your body each day to function efficiently. It is involved in the development of brain health and is a very significant mineral needed especially among infants and children who are growing up. Apart from that, iodine regulates the metabolism rate so that the body does not tire easily and is vital for the active person.

Iodine is mostly found in fish like tuna and cod. Apart from that, seafood like shrimps and prawns are known to be high suppliers of iodine while dairy products like yoghurt and milk are rich in this mineral as well. There is a type of processed food known as ‘iodized salt’ is recommended for cooking as it is able to supply iodine in the diet. Apart from that, certain types of fruits and vegetables which are planted in high-iodine soil can supply this mineral for the body. If you are not getting enough iodine from your daily diet, iodine supplements are easily available to compensate for the shortage.

What does it do?
Iodine is needed by your body to produce thyroid hormones which are an important agent which controls the metabolism rate of the system. Thyroid hormones are very much needed by pregnant women and children as they are responsible for the development of the bones and brain which if not adequately supplied could lead to complications to growth.

Iodine deficiency is not common among people today as a majority of households now use iodized salt in cooking and diet. However, if you are not getting enough iodine, it means that your body is not making enough thyroid hormone. If this happens, you could experience problems like tiredness and fatigue and even hair loss while the consequences are a lot more serious among pregnant women. Iodine deficiency could lead to deformity in baby growth while the baby could face health problems like lower-than-average IQ and even autism.
